segunda-feira, 14 de julho de 2014

English lyrics to an old love song

I am not sure of when I heard this love, lullabylike song. I fell in love with it a few years ago, as it was used as a songtrack of a cute romantic movie, “Lisbela e o prisioneiro”, by Guel Arraes. The rhymes are somewhat unusual, maybe because it is from a different age, where romantic love was filled with idealizations. Anyway, it was written in 1939 and it has been recorded many times ever since. Some of the singers who did it are Zelia Duncan, Roberto Carlos and Nelson Gonçalves, each in a different period of time. There again we can see the wonderful ability of music, to gather people so different in the same vibe. Hope you guys enjoy it.

A Deusa da Minha Rua
Newton Teixeira

A deusa da minha rua
Tem os olhos onde a lua
Costuma se embriagar
Nos seus olhos eu suponho
Que o sol, num dourado sonho
Vai claridade buscar

Minha rua é sem graça
Mas quando por ela passa
Seu vulto que me seduz
A ruazinha modesta
É uma paisagem de festa
É uma cascata de luz

Na rua uma poça d'água
Espelho da minha mágoa
Transporta o céu
Para o chão
Tal qual o chão de minha vida
A minh'alma comovida
O meu pobre coração

Espelho da minha mágoa
Meus olhos
São poças d'água
Sonhando com seu olhar
Ela é tão rica e eu tão pobre
Eu sou plebeu
Ela é nobre
Não vale a pena sonhar

The street where I live
English lyrics by Rita Cammarota

The street where I live
Has a princess so dear
That the moon has to hide
In those eyes, in a dream,
The sun borrows, so it seems,
All its glorious light

My street has no grace
But as she comes, in her pace
I see her figure arise
That modest landscape
Becomes a noble place
I´m proud of that sight

In the street, the water stream
Reflects my sad feelings
And shifts the sky
To the ground
Such as the ground of my life
My whole spirit moved inside
My heart makes no sound

A reflection of my tears
My eyes
Are water streams
Longing for her sight
She is so rich and I´m in need
I´m a beggar
She´s a queen
It´s so useless to dream

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Este obra de Rita Cammarota, foi licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso não-comercial-Vedada a criação de obras derivadas 3.0 Unported.