segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2016

Idle heart of mine: "Coração Vagabundo", by Caetano Veloso in English

According to Astrology, 2016 is the year of the Sun. To sum up,  it means it´s the time to go after our dreams, not only idealizing it: but really going hands on in it. I could not describe this moment of my life in a better way. Since 2014, things have changed a little here at work, but not to a deep extent. I feel this is the year I can see clearly what I want for myself and hopefully next year or two years from now I will be writing to you from a different place.

When I was daydreaming about it, I imediately remembered this song, specially its first part: My heart is never tired of desiring to become all it wants (I have adapted the words so it could fit the space and rhymes). A toast to all the idler hearts, the dreaming hearts and the ways they open for us. Hope you enjoy it.

Coração Vagabundo
Caetano Veloso
Meu coração não se cansa
De ter esperança
De um dia ser tudo o que quer

Meu coração de criança
Não é só a lembrança
De um vulto feliz de mulher
Que passou por meus sonhos

Sem dizer adeus
E fez dos olhos meus
Um chorar mais sem fim

Meu coração vagabundo
Quer guardar o mundo
Em mim

Idle Heart of Mine
English lyrics by Rita Cammarota

That heart of mine isn´t tired
Of secretly desiring
To dream and become an adult

My heart behaves like a child
Always keeps on my mind
An old happy sight of a girl
Who has been in my dreams

And never said goodbye
She made of my eyes
Two boats floating adrift

That sad idle heart of mine
Wants to keep the world inside
Of me

Licença Creative Commons
Este obra de Rita Cammarota, foi licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso não-comercial-Vedada a criação de obras derivadas 3.0 Unported.