terça-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2014

Welcome, little girl!

As we come each day closer to 2015, I wanted to share with you my English translation to a popular Brazilian poem by Mário Quintana. Quintana is known for his simple, yet clever and moving words. When the year comes to an end, I always remember the words of this poem. It´s funny how most of the times, we have hope regarding the time to come. It doesn´t matter if we´ve made the same mistakes, if dreams and plans didn´t turn out the way we expected; every new year comes overflowing with hope. And it´s interesting the metaphor of Hope as a crazy lady, that lives despite all odds.
May next year be better, filled with joy, and may the tears not erase our dreams.
Hope you enjoy it!

Mário Quintana

Lá bem no alto do décimo segundo andar do Ano
Vive uma louca chamada Esperança
E ela pensa que quando todas as sirenas
Todas as buzinas
Todos os reco-recos tocarem
— ó delicioso vôo!
Ela será encontrada miraculosamente incólume na calçada,
Outra vez criança...
E em torno dela indagará o povo:
— Como é teu nome, meninazinha de olhos verdes?
E ela lhes dirá
(É preciso dizer-lhes tudo de novo!)
Ela lhes dirá bem devagarinho, para que não esqueçam:
— O meu nome é ES-PE-RAN-ÇA...

English translation by Rita Cammarota

Way up in the 12th floor of the Year
Lives a crazy lady called Hope
She thinks that when every firework crack
All the bells sound
All the drums play
She will jump
-Oh, such a delightful flight!
Then, on the sidewalk, like a miracle, she´ll resemble
a child once again,
And around her, people will ask:
-  What´s your name, green-eyed little girl?

And she´ll tell them
(They have to be told time and again!)
She´ll tell them, slowly, so they won´t forget:
My name is H-O-P-E…

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Este obra de Rita Cammarota, foi licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso não-comercial-Vedada a criação de obras derivadas 3.0 Unported.